The details:
Step 1: Enrol on the button below to reserve your free trial
Step 2: We email all the details and thats it!
The program for the trial day: 6-9 Year-Olds
Advanced Athletics:
Get ready for a dynamic mix of speed, stamina, agility, and balance! Our fun and engaging drills, like hurdles and challenging relay races, will help your child improve their speed, endurance, and agility, all while having a blast! All activities are designed as games to make learning enjoyable and engaging. We aim to pair kids evenly so each activity remains competitive and fair.
Get ready for a dynamic mix of speed, stamina, agility, and balance! Our fun and engaging drills, like hurdles and challenging relay races, will help your child improve their speed, endurance, and agility, all while having a blast! All activities are designed as games to make learning enjoyable and engaging. We aim to pair kids evenly so each activity remains competitive and fair.
- 3:15 - 3:40 PM: Walking Bus We’ll head to our sports location as a group from Neutral Bay School.
- 3:40 - 4:00 PM: Free Play A chance for kids to unwind, explore, and have some unstructured fun under supervision.
- 4:00 - 4:10 PM: Daily Briefing, Warm-Up, and Dynamic Stretching
- Overview of the day’s activities.
- Light jogging with mobility exercises (e.g., high knees, butt kicks, skipping).
- Dynamic stretches targeting key muscle groups (e.g., leg swings, arm circles, lunges).
- 4:10 - 4:25 PM: Speed and Agility Drills and a mixture of:
- WIN THE FLAG (Speed): Sprint drill with 20m dashes focused on acceleration—reach the flag before your opponent!
- CHASE THE KANGAROO (Agility): Use quick footwork to outmaneuver your opponent, then race around cones to grab their tag before they finish!
- NOODLE HUNT: CAT/ MOUSE (Speed): The "cat" chases the "mouse" with a pool noodle. The mouse gets a 3-5m head start lying down, while the cat starts standing. Two courses: one straight, one with obstacles and curved. Then we finish with the team relay!
- Drinks
- 4:25 - 4:40 PM: Jumping Skills
- HOPPO BUMPO (Jumping Spring): Two players hop on one leg inside a small circle, trying to bump the other out. Great for ankle strength and jumping power!
- HOP, SKIP, JUMP (Balance & Coordination): Perfect the hop, skip, and jump sequence. Who can leap the farthest?
- Drinks Break
- 4:40 - 5:00 PM: Ball skills
- Small balls (tennis balls), coordination of catching and throwing and then catching while moving.
- Larger balls (football and rugby balls). Kicking, passing and kicking and passing while moving.
- Drinks and Rest: Healthy snacks also provided
- Small balls (tennis balls), coordination of catching and throwing and then catching while moving.
- 5:10 PM Onwards: Fun Soccer Game or Bullrush
- A casual, non-contact game of Bullrush or soccer for those interested, or simply time to relax and play (all supervised) until pick-up.
For an overview of our overall Program, click below